Yoga - My Way


Hi and thank you for showing an interest in my yoga classes. You can find more in-depth information about me on other pages of this website, but I would like to briefly explain how I came to appreciate yoga as much as a do. 

When I was a student of osteopathy almost 25 years ago, I was introduced to Tai chi which I practiced for the 4 years I Studied in London. Previously to that I had done some yoga classes – mainly Iyengar for the ones in the know. 

when I moved out of London and set up my practice in Letchworth in 2004 I started to go regularly to yoga classes. At that time, I was exposed to a more flowing style of yoga through a teacher who was trained in the Anusara school. This was a style I really enjoyed but I didn’t want to let go of the posture and alignment obsession that is such a big part of the Iyengar way. Over the intervening years I have found a practice that combines great alignment and posture. It also really fits brilliantly with my osteopathic practice. This has guided me in my approach to teaching yoga. 

In my classes, you won’t be dangling from the ceiling or balancing all your body weight on the fingernail of your 3rd finger. What you will be doing is basic movements and postures with strong guidance from me on alignment, strength and flexibility.

Over time we will progress the practice to deepen your understanding of your own body and how you can better look after yourself. To use and analogy – if you are lifting a weight that you can’t put down in a controlled way - it is too heavy. Movement with control and intention is key.

I still really enjoy a flowing style of yoga (vinyasa) so you will find that as much as possible we will be moving from one posture to the next- effortlessly naturally. 

I use my 20 years of osteopathic practice to guide me in developing the classes and attempt to address the many common and preventable injuries I see every day in my clinics. 

Another key aspect of yoga for me is Pranayama. This is the breath work you will do in the class. Hopefully, more importantly it is something you will take with you into your day-to-day life. It consists of simple breathing exercises that can have a profound effect on the body and mind. Most of my classes will include some pranayama work. 

After reading the above you want more information or have questions just email:

To attend the class all you need is your own yoga mat. Once you are hooked, we do use a few props and if you don’t have blocks and belts you can buy a set of me for £10 

Because of the way I plan the classes and my emphasis on progress over time, there will not be an option to drop into the classes. The classes will run in half term blocks to be paid in advance.

Before signing up you can definitely attend a few classes to try it out before deciding if it’s for you.


I invite you to come and explore the yoga tradition with humour and reverence and join me in realising the fantastic effect in can have on your health and life.


Come and develop a positive obsession.


Yours sincerely,


Thomas Pedersen BSc(hons) Ost. Med, DO, ND

Current Classes

Friday 9.30am-10.30am

Class held at:

Letchworth Tennis Club

The Studio at Letchworth Fitness

Muddy Lane



SG6 3TB 


£8 per class to be paid in half term blocks in advance.

Wednesday 7pm-8pm

Class held at:

Weston Village Hall

Maiden Street




£8 per class to be paid in half term blocks in advance.

For More information or to attend - Please contact me.